
So it's been over a year since I posted in here...

I deleted my last post so I could start fresh.



I think that's the theme of my 2013. I want a -fresh- start on a lot of things. I've decided to spend more time on me. Something I haven't really done in the past. I've noticed a dramatic change in the way I see myself. It's all for the best.

Part of the -fresh- new me included getting healthier. I've had a Gold's Gym membership for the last year and a half. I've dropped 50 lbs and dropped 5 minutes off my mile time (a record I've been wanting to break for a long time - go me!). I've never been the athletic type so working out was hard, really hard, to get into at first and now I enjoy it. It's a good stress relief at the end of the day and I always feel better after a good run (no matter how much I gripe about it while I do it).

Another part of the -fresh- new me was an active effort to feel more confident. That included subscribing to two monthly make-up/fashion boxes to help broaden my collection. Confidence shouldn't just come from the outside it should also come from the inside! Working out at the gym has given me a new confidence as well, but it's always good to feel feminine and girly!

I used to be the one to wear jeans and a sweatshirt everywhere I went. If I wanted to be honest with myself it was because I wanted to hide inside it (part of not feeling confident). Part of my -fresh- new fashion sense I'd have to thank my sister for getting me into. That and polyvore on pinterest. Darn you and your super cute outfits I wish I could pull out of the computer screen and put in my closet!

So that brings me to why I'm posting. I want to start sharing what I've learned in fitness/health, beauty and fashion with the rest of the blogging community so that I might help someone else who needs that push to get.... fresh. :)



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